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Interface IupdateOptions

Update Options


  • IupdateOptions



Optional exactObjectFind

exactObjectFind: undefined | true | false

used when you want to find a document exactly by the objects contents and if not found insert. different than upsert. With upsert you have to use "dot.notated" and can use $gt queries. with this you can only send and object that you expect to find or insert if not found but only if upsert is set as well. This does not upsert. It just allows you to not use "dot.notated" keys.

Optional multi

multi: undefined | true | false

default false, if true update many documents

Optional returnUpdatedDocs

returnUpdatedDocs: undefined | true | false

default false, if true return all updated documents

Optional upsert

upsert: undefined | true | false

default false, if true insert the new document

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